Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#191. The dentist was a bitch!

I know manners but whatever, caucibaimahaifuckdamadecibaifuckcelaka!!!

Woke up early in the morning for my scaling and found out the dentist was being a Frankenstein! What the fuckkk..

It was the worst scaling i had ever done! Worst of the worst! The hurts like shiiiiiiiiiit! Throughout the whole process, i was tasting blood and i can still taste blood 10minutes after the whole thing. Fucktard bitch, you're hurting me! And i told you that it fucking hurts but noooo, you still carry on with those man hand of yours. Are you trying to kill me?!! What the hell is wrong with you.. TESTOSTERONE OVERLOAD?!! You dont have to be so rough and so aggressive. Caumahaiii

She didnt even care about how her patients feel and i think all she was thinking was how fast she wants to get it over with in the speed of light so that she can go fuck. Right now, i can see tiny blood clots in between my teeth and gum. It was really bad! I am not making any of these up! Nada! She is seriously fucking horribleeeeee!

To Dr testosterone overload fucktard bitch, you are a horrible dentist. I can literally see how i could die in your man hands! You are one selfish bitch who do not care about how the patient feel. I doubt your profession as a dentist. You are a disgrace to the dental world! You do not fit to be a dentist at all and the school should not have pass you! You are awful, horrible and lousy! I would rather have all my teeth extracted without the use of anesthetics than going through scaling done by your man hands. Fuck you bitch!!!

Peace out.


TrudyLim said...

mygord thats horrible T_T
are you ok babe? hugs

ANG said...

Im fine babe :) huggies